There’s something I want to say carefully. I am receiving at least 2-3 requests a day to give talks, join projects w/in 🇬🇧. And I’m grateful for each invitation. I have noticed the rise following discussions arising from #BlackLivesMatter & poor inclusion/retention of Black staff
More importantly, after I do engage or participate I’ve noticed more people are already familiar w/the material. People are reading Nyanzi, Mbembe, Tamale, Fanon, & Lorde! For years, I’d speak at conferences & stare at a sea of blank faces & never receive follow up questions.
On the one hand, I’m elated as I see a real shift in meaningful engagement with the reading and African/Caribbean/Latin/North American Black scholarship in general. But I just wanted to bring this up because there are so few Black women scholars in 🇬🇧academe.
Many of us are already stretched to the limit with COVID in our communities, pastoral care for a student community etc.
Especially because of the pandemic, our families and communities are hit hard. I’m certainly feeling the strain as more members of my own family are becoming exposed to COViD. Many of us have to be the organisers, mobilisers, coordinators, fundraisers etc.
I can’t even recommend other Black women scholars to take up spots that I can’t do because of how stretched and overwhelmed many of them are. The efforts to include are coming from a good place but i think it’s also important to think about the end goal of inclusion.
Please keep in mind the “long game” & extend this support to offer funding, workshops & training to support marginalised & underprivileged scholars & students. Many of whom are also needing platforms and/or skills training for what awaits them after the crisis ends.
I’ve had to readjust and figure out quickly how to adjust to survive on top of academic burnout which is always just around the corner. So this is just a message to show immense gratitude but also to ask for understanding during this pandemic that’s affecting us all.
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