1] These claims by Sen Komichi need to be reviewed strategically.

The only thing more dangerous than a deluded man, is a deluded man who enjoys pursuing his delusions.

Sen Komichi at a personal level, has consistently exposed how he chases the wind with unmatched determination. https://twitter.com/HStvNews/status/1361350632540672001
2] Towards the ALLIANCE Congress, when everyone else cautioned that the days of the Muzendas, Msipas, John Nkomos, Mudzuris, Khupes & Mohades were over,Sen Komichi still challenged for the VP post.

Everyone else was convinced he offered no strategic value occupying that position
3] Towards the MDC-T EOC, only he was convinced he was some "dark horse".

Remember him claiming "Tsvangirai amuka"?

Remember his determined campaign, & the claim he was "receiving phone calls from thousands of delegates all over the country" yet in the end he only got 9 votes?
4] Komichi operates from a different dimension.

Whereas everyone knows humans always exercise freewill, he is convinced there are some people who belonged to Tsvangirai who now belong to "them"!

It doesn't matter that just a disputed 1000 out of 45000 delegates followed them.
5] Whereas everyone else knows MT passed on in Feb, Komichi is convinced MT owns some votes casted on July 30th, which now belong to "them"

He is convinced the MDC-T which didn't participate at the elections now has MPs, councillors & is individually owed PPFA money by gov.
6] Sadly for MDC-A, ours nation is governed by the judiciary & not constitutionalism.

Whatever delusions Komichi & team come up with, our courts are granting them, because they offer strategic value.

That should be an absolute cause of concern, in light of another Komichi claim
7] When Komichi claims the "MDC-A belonged to Tsvangirai" & by his logic "now belongs to them", he is inviting us into his thought processes.

He exposes how he will chase this delusion by reminding Prof Madhuku, the "protector of the MDC-T":

"ndinechikwereti nemi, ndirikuuya"
8] So it's not strategic for the @mdczimbabwe to simply laugh at,ridicule & watch the madman's riverside theatrics,as they enjoy the coolness of the waters

Do you not see the madman is not only content with his own nakedness but will soon run away with your own clothes?

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