Here it is, the long awaited buyers thread. This is going to be straight to point and easy for everyone looking to buy their favorite films in this genre. It will cover physical and digital storefronts. These films are region lock so know the region you are in before buying. 1/14
DVDs you should look for. Hong Kong Legends, Dragon Dynasty, FOX & Fortune Star IVL/Joy Sales. The most sought after are the HKL and DD. Why? Due to the features and the in depth commentary and the anamorphic picture quality that scales amazingly. 2/14
Fox and Fortune Star DVDs also provide anamorphic widescreen but lack extras at times and two they have films not released on the popular labels I mentioned above. FS DVDs majority of the times provides the original mono track. 3/14
To know which version to buy and know all the details on comparisons between all the labels  and . DVD compared is great for features and audio. Caps for picture quality. 4/14
Blu Rays. 88 films, Eureka, NOVA, Dragon Dynasty, Panorama, Spectrum and WellGO. This one is really freaking tricky and a headache. Blu Rays are a nightmare so I suggest to go to the above links I provided. 5/14
88 and EUREKA provide great features compared to anyone. Dragon Dynasty are solid but the IQ is okay at times. NOVA has the best packaging but they are usually transfers from other labels at times but they pick the best ones. Panorama is great because of the original audio 6/14
Digital storefronts. iTunes and Amazon. iTunes is the king hands down. This is the place to get your Shaw Brothers films. They include both audios unlike Amazon. This is also the place to buy WellGO USA films. Why? Because their Blu-Rays lack features big time. 7/14
iTunes even has a few 4K exclusives. Also if a film gets a 4K disc Apple updates the film to 4K for free at times. Now WellGO, I only recommend WellGO USA if you really are an audio person and like the optional DUB. 8/14
Where to buy the DVDs and Blu Rays?
Yesasia, Amazon and eBay. 88, Eureka, Panorama, NOVA and Spectrum have their own sites but shipping might be a pain for some. 88 and Eureka are Uk base. NOVA in Korea and Pan in HK. Spectrum in France. 9/14
The majority of the stuff I get is from eBay. Here is a tip. Always message the buyer if you see a stock photo to make sure that’s what you are getting. You’ll be surprised how many deals I got for doing that. Look at their rep and ask. 10/14
Keep in mind that GBP is going to kill you with the shipping and due to COVID Germany might ship your item via boat so if you are in the US prepared to wait 8 weeks or 10. Korea, France and HK is pretty fast. 11/14
You usually see the same sellers selling these films but as always do your research on the buyer and item. Look at the disc and compare it with other listings. 12/14
Now, these disc are region locked. So if you have a PC you are good and you can use programs like MakeMKV and Handbrake. If you don’t you need a region free player. SONY and LG are the common ones people get. The SONY S3700 or the X800M2 4K player.  13/14
They ship worldwide. I would like to thank @Wonggifs @KZvonaric @TrashCanDanpt3 for helping me out when I started rebuying my stuff. Amazing group of friends. Once again this thread is to give you an idea and it will lead you to the right place on what to look for. 14/14
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