tw // throwing up, blood, weight

hai if you have periods and you go through a crazy amount of pain (NORMAL pain is mild cramps and a little bit of nausea, some if even light throwing up) please go get checked. my period cramps before this was me being unable to get up for 3 days
straight, throwing up every 10mins the first-second day (except when im asleep) every time i eat during my period i would throw it up so i didnt bother to eat during my first-third day of period. it got serious bc i started throwing up blood and which people then took me
seriously. i had to suffer for about ~7 years like this. turns out what caused me a crazy amount of pain was a cyst that grew just slightly 0.3mm pass the normal size during periods (everyone who has periods has a cyst and it expands, this is normal according to my doctor)
for my case, i just had to be prescribed with birth control for 3 months and when i told you it changed my life it really did. for some people, endometriosis or ovarian cyst (which was my case but it was detected early before it became worse) so please... go get checked
if your period gives you a crazy amount of pain. it is NOT normal. also dont be scared to take the pink panadol (dont take it when youre feeling the pain, take it the moment your period starts) this helped me a lot too!
dont be scared of it but also please consult your doctor on it too. at the end of the day, the pink panadol gets discharged out of your body anyways. now i rarely throw up during my period and only have (what i would say, before this my fourth day period pain) cramping
if you have the privilege to get checked please do. if you want to know my doctor (gynaecologist), just shoot me a dm id be more than happy to share! my doctor was extremely nice and they explained everything to me in great detail when i asked them questions :)
you deserve!! proper treatment for your period pain. you KNOW your body and extreme period pain can (in most cases) be cured. the main reason i had crazy period pain was my stress levels and i was underweight (yes i got yelled by my gynae for this)
take care of yourself for this okay. please. period cramps is a taboo topic for some reason but it shouldnt be. im here to tell you its okay to be complaining about the serious amount of pain you have to go through. just shoot me questions id be more than happy to help <3
the birth control i took was mercilon for those wondering. i had to go through 3 months of mild headaches but during my period im mostly okay. PLEASEEEEEEEEE dont take birth control without consultation... also anything i said here in this thread was my experiences along with
facts by my doctor. i was lucky because my cyst didnt develop into an ovarian cyst... like really lucky. so please if you have the privilege to go get checked please do. your period cramps is not something to be taken lightly
tw // eating disorders

my period cramps were the worse when i was suffering from bulimia (~4 years) and my gynae said my period cramps were potentially developed from my ed. im still recovering but god when i tell you getting checked for my period cramps was one of
the best decisions in my life, it really was. compared to before i can actually walk even when im suffering from cramps (but ofc id rather lay down and sleep) and i can actually eat... crazy. so please take care of yourself okay... please. your period cramps can be
painful because of a multitude of factors. mine was 1) stress 2) underweight 3) side effects from my ed. you deserve proper treatment for your period cramps. im sorry if you tried to voice out your pain but no one listened, i will. my dms are open if you want to talk about it ok
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