The fragility of a man when you patiently explain kink isn’t something you learn on the fly...😑 and sex isn’t trick after trick (especially when your only trick is p-in-v)
Have you ever watched a dance performance that’s all technique? That’s just trick after trick after trick… It’s showing off. It doesn’t care about the audience. It isn’t bringing anybody along for the ride… It’s about what the performer can do.
And then you can watch say... a busker on the street who can take 20 minutes to build up to their final trick. And by the time you leave you realize that there were only three tricks and you’ve been there for an hour! And it was GOOD.
Sex/kink/performance isn’t about YOU. It’s about your audience. It’s about giving them ups and downs and rolling hills of exposure so they feel the trick coming and experience it fully instead of just button mashing the clit like an 8 year old in Street Fighter
Needless to say, he unmatched cause I told him he was fucking wrong.
I mean that holistically
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