One of the enduring mysteries of corona-chan is how much institutional opposition there's been to cheap, low (or even zero) risk at-home treatments and prophylactics

All of the Approved Science has only ever been social controls, and a vaccine
It's not like this is the first and only vitamin D study. We've had them since *last spring*. You might even look to that bane of "trust the science," "using your own eyes," to see how the virus fares where people get lots of vitamin D from sunlight

There are multiple (entirely accidental!) studies showing that smoking is highly *protective* against corona, reducing hospitalizations/serious cases by like 70-80%

Yet I've heard multiple gov PSAs telling me smoking makes you *more vulnerable to it*

It's all very very strange
The above sounds counterintuitive, yet it's an enduring and consistent result, known since March 2020. It might not have been *entirely* crazy to slap every arm in a nursing home with a nicotine patch

Can't hurt. Might have made a big difference. Yet it sounds "insane." Why?
If pumping oldies full of nicotine isn't outright insane, then surely it's even less insane to recommend normal people take vitamin D, quercetin, zinc, etc

None of *that's* going to hurt you. I'm on month 12, + intend to keep taking quercetin for life (unrelated Bro Science win)
I don't actually think this is a conspiracy: that would imply these people know what they're doing

I do think that "the Science" has become such sclerotic, risk-averse hem-of-the-skirt-clutchers that it would rather let millions die than later be proven to be trivially wrong
The greatest lesson of the coronavirus should be that there's a ton of highly useful information out there that, for a host of reasons, the ruling channels never talk about

All alternative voices sound initially insane. And with total elite failure...'s now entirely on the individual to figure out which alternative voices are actually insane, and which are offering useful—potentially vital—information

If you're expecting that much of normal people, don't act shocked when it all breaks down
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