Supergirl #3 (of 4) - April 1994

1). When confronted by Supergirl over Operation: Protomatter, Doctor Eller, the scientist in charge of her testing, feigns ignorance and assures her of Lex's good intentions. Mae leaves on a "shopping trip" and quickly evades her escorts
2). Supergirl uses her shape changing powers to replace Eller on his scheduled visit to the secret LexCorp facility, Adirondack One. There, she learns first hand from Dr Happerson that he and Lex have been growing an army of Supergirl clones
3). Happerson releases the clones, who all mindlessly attack Supergirl on his command. Though they fight savagely, Supergirl responds with strategy and experience, and the clones are soon reduced to inert protomatter
4). In the aftermath, she discovers another lifeless Luthor clone body, this one also formed of protomatter. Afterwards, she realizes that Lex has been using her from the moment they met, and vows revenge
5). *thoughts*

Oh the 90s, when everything had spikes

Seriously, though, I loved this issue. Mae is easily my favorite comic book version of Supergirl, and I'm sad this this series only has one more issue
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