Cramer has one of the more nuanced statements. Says the trial unconstitutional but said he voted to acquit on the merits. Cites free speech & "peacefully," even though Trump's remarks were "reckless."

No mention of what many Rs angry about — lack of action after the riot started
Rounds emphasizes he listened to "every minute" of the trial presentations but says nothing about it other than it was unconstitutional.
Hoeven says Trump should not have encouraged the protest. But hangs his statement on his assertion that the trial is unconstitutional, citing unnamed "constitutional scholars"
Mike Lee's statement, like Cruz's, has more legal nuance than most. He says it's constitutionally dubious whether former officials can be tried and they didn't prove incitement, and called the impeachment article "poorly worded"
Shelley Moore Capito torches Trump, and says her not guilty vote is based "solely" on her belief the trial was unconstitutional.

"The actions and reactions of President Trump were disgraceful, and history will judge him harshly."

Would have been another awk vote on Jan. 19!
Crapo: unconstitutional and House lacked due process.

Notably, the word "Trump" does not appear anywhere.
Blackburn has one of the friendliest statements for Trump.

“The House Impeachment Managers launched an unconstitutional show trial to humiliate the former President and his supporters..."
Hagerty statement might be even friendlier for Trump. Says the House managers wanted to "humiliate the former president, discredit his successful policies, and shame the 74 million Americans who voted for him" but "failed spectacularly"
I don't see a Tim Scott statement but he opposed the impeachment of Trump from the start.
Lindsey Graham did a twitter thread; he's had various thoughts, including musing about a Lara Trump Senate candidacy in NC.
Braun: unconstitutional and worries about free speech
Don't see a formal Rand Paul statement, but I think he summed up his thoughts here before the trial ended:
Fischer: Unconstitutional for Congress to impeach a president, but the House (which impeached him *while he was still president*) "rushed" and denied Trump due process.

Too rushed AND too late.
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