Certain ppl are trying to cling to baby daddy bs no matter what
1.Chadren stan :
> They need eren being daddy as an assurance for E’s victory (sth eren never wanted) bc they believe the last panel is E+his babe, they give their all for it.Just watch the mental breakdown on TF
> They want the baby being eren’s, sth eren planned, that means he knew zeke’s death and would use his baby as new shifter to reactive rumbling, then lifting the curse to prove how he will surpass his father. Surpass my ass. The last cope of them
2. EHs :
> soap opera of a guy destroying the world for his waife and babe
> they can’t believe that H is sidelined, they need a reason for it to save “the lack of H’s screen time”. In their mind, Eren being the dad means that H is sidelined bc of the daddy’s identity +
they consider it as last plot twist bc they believe snk is a story of EH surpassing their fathers, not EMA. Yes, EH = plot. Let’s throw other characters out of window
> they wanted M to get cucked. They wanted M to suffer. I don’t even need to explain here bc I believe u see enough of memes which M is there, witnessing EH kissing etc etc
> They think H being E’s secret waife can give importance to H’s character, main char’s wifu, cool right ?
3.Eren haters
> they desperately want E to be the daddy so they can enjoy E being slandered for years. Anything which shits on E will make them satisfied. I even saw comments as “I want E to be baby daddy so bad, the fandom will throw shits on him, that stinky boy deserves it”😪
Well, what do I think abt eren being the daddy ? Well tbh I would be okay with it as long as yams spent pages to portray EH under romantic light, instead of focusing on EM instead. I was a half-assed EMs before ss4 coz I thought EM was one-sided,just shipping for fun and enjoying
multishipping erejean, ererei, even ereannie (ss1) lol Ss4 turned the table, eren concerned abt M’s feelings for him so much throught this arc meanwhile he never concerned abt how H felt abt him, just her safety which is understandable cuz I always appreciate their friendship
I never see H as a threat to EM, idc abt her much but I don’t hate her, the reason why I openly anti EH as romantic ship is bc of EHs + their ridiculous theories they shove down everyone’s throat/ portray E as bastard who is filthy as firzt + genocide/kill MA for wifu. Cringe
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