I know this is a long shot, but is there anybody out there who might have access to issues of Dental Management magazine from circa 1978? I believe there are some extremist classified ads in the back that I'd like to see.
Okay, this tweet had garnered far more interest than I ever imagined (some people appear to have followed me because of it!).

For those asking for more info, I really don't know more than the below. The main ad I'm looking for would be Tax Strike News, a tax protest newspaper.
Update: someone may have found the reference for me! I've seen a partial page, waiting for the whole page. Will post, and give credit/shoutout when that happens. Looks like the reference was not actually a classified ad but something else.

Isn't Twitter wild?
Update #2: Success! Or partial success! I owe a great debt of gratitude to @mparrnyc, who was able to find the digital page of Dental Management in question--from the April 1978 issue. But the success raises even more mysteries. Let me show you.
Matt had to take several screenshots of the page in question and send them to me. I have crudely put them in order and am showing them below. You'll see that Dental Management published a page-long list of groups & orgs that were variously 1) anti-tax or pro-tax reform, 2) from
the left-wing "war tax resistance" tax protest movement or 3) from the right-wing tax protest movement, which claims people have a legal/constitutional right not to pay federal income taxes. It's meant as a list of resources--though many of these are fringe at best.
It turns out, according to Matt, that this list came at the end of an article by Thomas Hoopes DDS of Salt Lake City titled "The Dentist Who Doesn't Pay Income Taxes." It appears that Dr. Hoopes is the dentist in question!
So what happens to a dentist who doesn't pay taxes? It appears he gets convicted! March 10, 1976, Provo (utah) Daily Herald. Of course, the Dental Management article was from 1978, so perhaps Hoopes did not learn his lesson?
Anyway, thanks to Matt and thanks to everybody else who offered to help or offered suggestions! You guys are the nice side of Twitter!
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