Thread. Dear men of my Twitter acquaintance, what do you, as an individual or with your group or company, do to help change the awful culture of misogyny and acceptance of sexual abuse of women that exists in this country?
I know some men here who do this actively but I’m not going to tag them and potentially open them up to abuse, they can choose whether to step forward themselves.
Do you call men out when they make a sexist comment? Do you let them know the rape ‘joke’ is not acceptable? Do you ensure that women have representation and are included in decision making equally with men?
Nothing changes unless men are leading the change. I really, sincerely, want to hear from you.

Maybe you can inspire another man to take action in some way, every single one of you can have an impact!

Help us. Please.
If you are so inclined, I’d appreciate a retweet of this thread.
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