Increasingly excited by the future of digital health, where an individual can work together with trained experts, from anywhere, in real-time, to live healthier and happier 👨‍💻⌚️👩‍⚕️
Next-gen wearables (e.g CGMs @levels/ @veristable, trackers @ouraring/ @whoop, etc) make all this possible.

They enable you to:
- seamlessly and passively monitor key vitals 🩺
- understand your body's unique responses 📊
- detect when things are abnormal 🛠

All in real-time⚡️
But without proper expertise, structure & guidance, all this new data can be a double-edged sword ⚔️

The "Fitbit collecting dust in a drawer after a few months" phenomenon is real for many people, who find the data not actionable and overwhelming 👇
A 2020 University of Copenhagen study found that fitness-tracker use:
- increases motivation to exercise💪, and feeling in tune with overall health
- increases fear and/or guilt😰, particularly when wearers don’t meet their fitness goals or have alarming health metrics
Researchers concluded that in order for these devices to be most useful, people needed guidance from health professionals to interpret the data correctly 📊

This is why @BioloopSleep pairs you with a trained sleep coach, so you have proper guidance and structure to improve 💤
Some exciting companies pioneering this "digital care" model to watch in other verticals (fitness, diabetes, back pain):
- @futurefitapp
- @virtahealth/ @omadahealth
- @hingehealth

Would love to connect with anyone building/thinking about this!
You can follow @jasonljin.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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