I don't enjoy posting this message & was tempted to just let it be.

But then I thought about girls who are called this & people of color who are told to "go back to your country" and I decided to share as an act of defiance.

We will not be silenced & I will not be threatened.
TY everyone for your supportive words & concerns for my safety.

I want you to know that I did report this comment, but I also responded back — thinking that if he realized there was a human on the other side of the screen that maybe, just maybe, he would realize his mistake. 1/3
After a few more angry emails accusing liberals of everything that is wrong on the earth (he also started trolling me on my personal IG) he emailed back in the middle of the night with an apology, explaining how stress he’s been with the financial strains. 2/3
He also read my platform & said that tho we disagree on a lot, he was surprised to see how much we agree on. I accepted his apology (hate is too great a burden to hold), & reminded him that just because I’m a Democrat doesn’t mean I’m the enemy.

Have a great day everyone. ♥️ 3/3
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