A breakdown of why we’re getting Zack Snyder’s Justice League.


During post production of JL, Snyder’s daughter, Autumn, committed suicide. He said he tried to work through it for a while but couldn’t.

He said he lost his will to keep fighting WB, so he stepped away.
While the Snyder family was grieving, Joss Whedon was brought in to film the reshoots.

He was abusive and racist to the cast and crew of JL, Snyder’s friends.

Meanwhile, Geoff Johns, Jon Berg, and Toby Emmerich were enabling Whedon, threatening the cast, and covering it up.
WB ended up putting Snyder’s name on the film and told the cast to lie about everything.

For years, WB didn’t acknowledge Snyder or his version. They tried to bury any traces of it.

Snyder says they never called him, a director that worked with them for a decade.
When it was announced that Snyder stepped down to grieve his daughter, bloggers, critics, comic book artists and writers cheered.

They were happy he wasn’t directing a superhero movie because of his daughter’s suicide.

That’s the response he received.
Later on, Snyder’s cinematographer, Fabian Wagner, revealed that only 30 minutes from Snyder’s original 5 hour assembly cut footage was used. The rest were 90 minutes of Whedon and Johns.

This is why the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement was born. To help Snyder release his film.
On November 17, 2019, the 2 year anniversary Snyder’s Justice League was supposed to release, #ReleaseTheSnyderCut was trending worldwide with the cast helping.

AT&T, HBO Max, and WarnerMedia saw this. Zack and his wife/producer Deborah Snyder used it to get their film.
Take a second to think about having your art destroyed by abusive toxic people who had the audacity to put your name on it.

The Snyders wanted to finish what they started. They wanted to realize Zack’s vision and show the world what we saw in 2017 wasn’t theirs.
WarnerMedia realized how great a big film of their DC property with a big fan base can be to boost HBO Max, so they said yes.

5 years later and the Snyder’s finally have a chance to release it.

Many could safely assume it’s an emotionally, cathartic experience for them.
The Snyders were given a significant budget to finish up the film’s VFX and restore it to Snyder’s version.

Zack Snyder said he refused to get paid. It wasn’t about the money for him.

In fact, they saw it as a chance to provide steady work for VFX artists during a pandemic.
The only new scene shot during the pandemic is about 5 minutes long. That’s it. Everything else we’ll see was shot during 2016.
Hopefully, this has shed some light on why Zack Snyder’s Justice League isn’t simply some “extended re-edit of the 2017 film”.

It’s bigger than that, to the Snyder family, and the cast and crew.

They suffered a lot to get here. We should be congratulating and supporting them.
And if you can, consider donating to the AFSP Autumn Snyder Tribute Fund for suicide awareness and prevention.

Help save a life.

Link: https://afsp.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.personalCampaign&participantID=2384952
I want to make it clear that this is not the complete story.

This thread only covers some of it to introduce people to what happened, as there is so, so many more details about this situation that would be enough for multiple threads.

This whole thing is still evolving.
DC artist Kevin Maguire cheering at the fact that Snyder lost his daughter and stepped away from Justice League. He recently drew Superman. Gerry Conway, creator of Punisher did the same.

EIC of Collider laughing about Snyder when he decided to open up about his daughter.
Here's Deborah Snyder, Zack's wife/producer, in an interview with @LightCastPod.

She addresses the VFX work, the 5 minute pandemic shot scenes, and at the 1:30:00 mark about using #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement to help get the film done.
In the article about Snyder stepping down, Toby Emmerich said that Snyder handpicked Whedon to write new scenes and that he was "handing the baton".

He also says everything will stay the same. All of this is now known to be a lie.

Those were just some of the sources off the top of my head for this breakdown. Snyder, cast and crew have revealed more through social media and fan podcasts.
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