A thread of some sorts:

1/ 🦉
2/ These photos were taken in the 1900’s and depict the god moloch erected in solid stone. The photo on the right hand side is showing the beginning of a certain “mock” child sacrifice. The effigy of a child is placed on the boat and set aflame and pushed into the water.
3/ Left hand photo is showcasing a smaller stone Owl. Center photo is a congregation or dinner setup in an Atlantian style fashion. The right hand photo is showing a ritual of some sorts.
4/ Left hand photo is showing high priests posing behind a sacrificial alter. Centre photo is a bunch of weird member dudes posing in creepy Babylonian garb. Right hand photo speaks for itself. Women were not permitted at bohemian grove even female employees. 🦉
5/ The next four photos are of I hope ritualistic sacrifices of effigies and not of real people. The centre photo is clearly a mock sacrifice but the others I’m not 100% So the discernment is on you guys for the other two.
6/ Last but not least! Two of my favourite photos. The left hand photo depicts the hierarchy of Today’s world. Right from left. The right hand photo is well it kind of speaks for itself. If I need to explain who those men are.. please catch up.

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