I don't understand the mindset that everything needs to be for everyone. No. The more accurate thing to say is that everything should be for anyone interested in whatever specific thing they're interested in. A thing shouldn't be changed or watered down to appeal to the majority.
Is there an argument to be made for greater accessibility for certain hobbies where possible? Of course. That's not really what I'm talking about though. I'm talking about interest and taste.
If someone isn't big on romance as a genre, we shouldn't water down the romance elements of a romance film to appeal to those people. If they don't want to see people kissing and canoodling, they can just go and watch a film of a different genre; one they actually like!
Why take away something from genuine fans, to try and pull in people who don't like the thing? It doesn't make any reasonable sense, beyond a feeble money grab.

Make genuinely good shit, make it accessable insofar as it makes sense to do so, then you'll get your money.
Not everything needs to appeal to people like me. It's okay for things to be for boys, and if I like it too, cool. If I don't, that's also cool. I don't need to like everything. Boys also don't need to like everything I like either. It's okay for people to like different things.
The idea that everything needs to be for everyone is just corporate bs people have bought into lately. Stop it.
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