THREAD: A lie about signature verification used in California elections went viral today on Twitter. (Fact check here:

How did we get here? There's certainly evidence this is a result of a game of conspiracy theory telephone. Let's take a look...
On February 12, Assemblymember Kiley tweeted an update on signatures collected by the proponents of the recall. (Campaigns often do this, so I do not have an issue with what he tweeted.)
Later that night Richard Grennell tweets this innuendo about the signature verification process.
Here are the facts:
-County elections officials verify signatures, NOT the Sec of State
-County Registrars are either elected or appointed by their county board of supervisors
-There are CA Elections Officials registered Democratic, Republican, with No Party Preference, etc. They and their staffs serve with integrity.
-Suggesting impropriety--without a shred of evidence--is incredibly dangerous to our democracy.
A day later the game continues with the lie in this Don Jr Tweet.

California does signature verification on ALL:
-vote-by-mail ballots
-initiative/referendum/recall petitions
-candidate nomination documents
Day after that Ted Cruz amplifies the lie with this lazy tweet...
Now we come to today with this viral tweet.

Twitter still has not taken this down, despite it being an obvious, blatant lie.

Misinformation did not end with Trump's twitter ban. The social media platforms still have a lot to learn.
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