1/6 When it comes to equity and inclusion, staff often ask me what they can do. @anjalibhagramd and @SuzanneNorby recently joined me to share with our staff @MayoClinic what they can do.
2/6 @anjalibhagramd says a lot of people want to contribute but can get overwhelmed. She suggests the focus on growing, contributing and sharing.
3/6 @SuzanneNorby says we can grow by broadening our awareness and committing to learn more about #diversity, #inclusion and #equity. @Mayoclinicpress created a special report on Health and Race if you're looking for a place to start. Click here http://mayocl.in/2MD1J0o .
5/6 Sharing means to take action. Share your thoughts in important conversations. Initiate activities to help teams share experiences and perspectives. Share opportunities through allyship.
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