You know what would be absolutely insane? If married people in the church started saying to me: "Can we grab dinner? There's a lot we have to learn from you. We'd love to know what it means for you as a 30something single woman to trust God with your heart and life!"
(Instead of the typical "why don't you come over for dinner at our house and you can see what it means to be a 'mature' Christian who is a committed wife and mother.") I'm just saying... it would be freaking awesome to flip the script.
Like what if we featured single Christians as speakers, pastors, teachers, Bible study leaders, etc. because of the unique and sacred gifts we bring to the Body of Christ?
It pains me to think about all the different reflections of God that are unknown and unseen just because they don't fit the traditional narrative. Single Christians reflect Christ in a literal way (lol) that married people simply cannot. I'm not saying it's better than the other,
but I mean, guys... seriously. This is like, criminal. Single Savior... who wouldn't fit into any of the current church cultures that have been established. yikes.
I would love to lead a conference on what it means to live with permanent unfulfilled intense desire. Obviously singleness is more than that but for those of us who don't feel "called" to it... there's a lot to be said. Alright, I'm done (for now).
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