I wanna talk about the concept of humility as a privilege.
Marginalized folks are told to stay in their lane in order to keep us questioning ourselves sometimes this will be confused with ‘impostor syndrome’ I wanna tell yall while there is overlap they arent the same

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I believe without my unwavering belief in myself+my purpose I would not be where I am today.
Had I listened to all the people who told me to stay in my place, that my confidence was too much, or those who said I couldnt make my dreams come true... Id have been letting the system
win. And theres no way I could do that. I believe in being loud, strong, confident and at times yea I pull on the “God complex” when I have to hurdle through really hard times like when my graduate program tried to kick me out for doing SW. However relying on these traits is not
The same when society tries to muffle out your voice and subdue you until you give up on your dreams. For Black, brown, queer, immigrant, trans folks etc this IS resiliency and when we are ‘humble’ we are much more likely to be spoken over and swept under the rug
Not all of us are born onto this earth with all the privilege and support cis white hetero folks get! And as such we have to believe in ourselves so loud that we drown out the rest of society. I want you to think about this next time someone comes across as too confident
Ask yourself what that really means? Why does their confidence offend you? How would them being ‘humble’ benefit you?
And dont call the doubts we may hold in our internal narrative impostor syndrome - its exactly what the kyriarchy wants us to internalize.
Dont ever ask a marginalized person to dull their shine. To quiet their voice. To doubt themselves. To have more humility as they walk their path.

This is hard work and we’re in an uphill battle.
Having unwavering confidence IS proof of resilience
Instead of asking us to have humility praise us for believing in ourselves and retaining confidence in spite of all the messages society has thrown our way in hopes that we wouldnt ‘rock the boat’
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