Ben Affleck’s Batman in BvS has one of the greatest character introductions in recent memory.

Within just a few minutes, you’re told everything you need to know: Fearless, self-sacrificing, a strong urge to protect those he cares about and those who need helping, and more.
I love how this movie just throws you right into the thick of it by showing you the previous movie from Bruce Wayne’s POV. It’s fucking awesome.
It also immediately tells you This is not like any other Batman you’ve seen on screen

Previous incarnations have Batman dealing with something he can punch. This is something so far out of his hands and element. It immediately shows this is a terrifying new world for Batman.
Batman has fought Penguin, Mr. Freeze, Bane, Joker, and a couple others up to this point cinematically.

This movie immediately tells that kind of Batman that he’s no longer deal with mortals, he has to grapple with the idea of something he can’t make bleed with his bare hands.
me: “hey I really like this scene :)”

the internet: [insert 500th comment about how the rest of the movie sucks or something else]
gonna drop this thread here so I don’t have to individually respond to people about Batman turning in to a killer:
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