Ah, another patronising white British lady insisting younger trans inclusive feminists are naive and wrong.

The reason they don't understand the "biological basis of our oppression" is they haven't had any babies yet! 👶👶👶👶👶

Wee thread... https://twitter.com/WTFoucault/status/1352731597691367430
...I'm probably old enough to be Kate's mum. I chose not to have kids - a choice I discovered when I became a feminist as a teenager. I may be forgetful, but I'm quite sure it was "doing feminism" when I chanted, "My body, my life, my right to decide" at pro choice demos!...
...So, it's a myth pushed by both GCs, politicians and the media that trans inclusive feminists are all wet behind the ears and Gender Criticals are the wise matriarchs of the movement.

Rubbish. The ideological difference isn't due to age or eduation.

It's about privilege...
...In this exchange, @setoacnna points out that UK and Saudi women share biology, but the reasons and ways they're oppressed are vastly different.

Kate neatly sidesteps the point, then decries the removal of "commonality."

Why the insist all women have a common experience?...
...I noticed anti-trans feminism gaining ground in the UK around 2013- around the time BIPOC women were calling out racism in mainstream feminism with the hashtag #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen. Many white UK feminists (especially linked to Mumsnet) took umbrage to the discussions...
...Many seemed new to feminism, keen on the idea of a "shared experience of womanhood," with no knowlege of intersectional feminism. They were resistent to acknowledging their privilege. You could almost see wheels turning in their head as they searched for a way to push back...
...The "universal experience of women" idea would no longer work, but what about a "universal threat" that dissolves any benefits of race, class,other privilege?

And so terfism moved into the mainstream of UK feminism, and the ever-present danger from trans women was born...
...the only "commonality" they could really claim with most women was biology, specifically reproductive function.

Considering patriarchal institutions for centuries used "biological difference" as justification for oppressing women, it seemed an odd choice for feminists...
...but they grabbed it with gusto as demonising trans women was their best sheild against criticism of their privilege. Meanwhile, most feminists elsewhere in the world were baffled by UK feminists' embrace of ideals associated with religious fundamentalism and the far right...

I still can't believe how trans hostility has escalated, now entrenched in the media, academia, nearly all political parties, melding white feminism™ and Brexity British exceptionalism and actively seeking to "morally mandate trans people from existence." Just wtf?
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