For the last 200 years, society had a method for arriving at the truth: have an open & fair debate. Big tech & the minions they own have a new approach: a vast Stasi-like network of private thought police grouped under the Orwellian term misinformation/disinformation studies.

What's fascinating about these efforts is that the news is more corporatized than ever. The big 3 PR firms each have more than 100,000 employees each. And a vast network of private intelligence agencies have emerged including Archimedes Group, Black Cube, & NSO Group...

So one *would think* that "misinformation/ disinformation studies" would have their hands full working to illuminate the dark ops techniques used by giant multinational corporations to distort the news. But that's not what they do at all.

Instead these academics & "non-profits" spend their time going after mothers of vaccine injured kids in order to protect the profits of the pharmaceutical industry. So "misinformation studies" is itself an agent of agnosis -- that is, the social construction of ignorance.

I'll back up for a second. Scholars who study ignorance (Robert Proctor at Stanford) have discovered that ignorance is *not* the absence of information. Rather, ignorance is actively (socially) constructed through great effort, in the same way that knowledge is constructed.

The study of the social construction of ignorance is called agnotology. Societies go to great lengths to tell citizens: 'pay attention to these facts, not those facts.' Historically, culture & religion have played a big role in shaping that focus. Now ignorance is driven by

giant multinational corporations & the incredibly sophisticated PR & private intelligence agencies that they hire. PR now resembles military strategy more than marketing. The tragedy of "misinformation studies" is that they are entirely captured by these same corporations.

Professors, departments, & "non-profits" devoted to "misinformation studies" are themselves actively involved in the creation & distribution of (corporate) misinformation. *Of course* big corporations created their own "fact-checkers" to protect profits & fend off regulation.

But there is no reason why the rest of society should go along with this scheme. The remedy for incorrect information is the same as it always was: open, fair, & honest debate. Big corporations & Pharma in particular do not want open debate because they know they will lose.

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