To Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and any other man who needs to hear this: if you have to contextualize sexual violence against women by imagining it happening to your wife, daughter, etc. in order to appropriately act, you are very much part of the problem.

There is something so darkly disgusting beyond the pale that sexual violence needs to be rationalized this way in order to be taken seriously. There is a not-so-subtle implication that it strikes at men themselves from some perverse "property" thinking. It's honestly horrific.
This is not a "men" problem. There are countless men who don't seem to need a detailed walkthrough of the ethical illustrations of sexual violence. I refuse to believe that men are incapable of naturally getting this. You get no excuses. Period.
Prime Minister Nancy Morrison said her husband Michael gave her context for why getting kicked in the fucking balls with steel-toed boots is bad by asking what if this had been her son.

"Michael has a way of clarifying these things; he always has", she said.
It's just the most jarring combination of condescension and horror. Christ almighty, wake the fuck up.
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