Have seen some stuff on Twitter that leaves me scratching my head but the comments that some people in the SNP are more independence-y than others has left me baflled. Everyone in the SNP supports independence - unless they only joined with the idea of trying to make trouble.>>
>> So the placing of the word independence on a candidate statement in the indy supporting SNP is meaningless. Also, elected reps need to do more than say they support indy, they need to represent their constituents. People's problems don't stop until indy is finalised. >>
There's not an elected rep that's going to tell someone they won't fight for their PIP to be restored for example, & tell them to wait until indy. Unlike the Tories, they won't use a cruel list of what makes you disabled. >>
SNP elected reps/candidates want to talk about how important it is to protect the NHS now, not only after indy. They want to protect children, older people & other vulnerable people all the time. It's important as we will not be independent in 7 May & people need help now.
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