Critical Race Theory: An Introduction
“The Critical Race Theory (CRT) movement”

A theory of something is not a movement UNLESS you are using the Marxist sense of “Theory.” This ALREADY gives the game away. This is IDEOLOGY, not SCIENCE or SCHOLARSHIP.
This (Marxist) Theory/movement RETHINKS traditional CIVIL RIGHTS ideas and concepts.


Not at all. It turns out that it is like Communist country’s that define “democracy” as “Communist Party Rule.”
So how is CRT DIFFERENT in its “reframing” of CIVIL RIGHTS?

Well, it rejects

∙ steady progress (for violent revolution)
∙ liberalism
∙ equality
∙ reason
∙ neutrality
∙ constitutionalism, specifically the American Constitution

There is NO DOUBT this is ANTI-AMERICAN.
Regardless of your view of America and the Civil Rights Movement, it is 100% crystal clear that Critical Race Theory is TOTALLY OPPOSED TO BOTH.

The Civil Rights Movement JUST IS a manifestation of Americanism, since it is an “all men are created equal” movement.
The put this as an epigraph.

The answer is “If it is (a) impossible and (b) requires the destruction of something that is both real and good, that’s why not.”
I have proposed Wizardocracy before, as a political system.

We let a magic Wizard run everything and solve all human problems by magic.

Why not?

Why would anyone not destroy the system we have in favor of Wizardocracy? Can you think of any GOOD REASON not to do so?
If you can work out why it wouldn’t be a good idea to tear down what we have in favor of Wizardocracy, you can work out why it wouldn’t be a good idea to do it for Communism or for Critical Race Theory Utopia.
You can go further with this. Imagine we WERE ruled by a Wizard with superhuman godlike powers, and he used them to FORCE EVERYONE to live in the way ideology X says we SHOULD LIVE, e.g. Critical Race Theory.

What does a world in which “Whiteness” is ABOLISHED look like?
Marxists NEVER want to give you specifics about what their goal is. Partly because they DON’T KNOW—it is just a blurry fantasy image of happy-goodness. And partly because what they CAN specify sounds like a hell-state. Because it is a hell-state.

Where you literally could not have more than anyone else in any respect. Think what that would be LIKE.

Is that what you would WANT? Would anyone?
“Abolishing whiteness” DOES NOT MEAN a society in which race is simply a non-factor, and everyone is treated equally, fairly, justly, and without invidious discrimination.


So it HAS TO MEAN a society in which race IS a factor, unequal, unfair, unjust.
I mentioned a bit ago that St. Augustine was a Berber, that is a swarthy man from North Africa. He was quite successful in Rome and in Carthage. His skin coloration was a NON FACTOR in the Roman Empire circa 400 A.D.
Would a society in which race is a non-factor or minimal factor be BAD?

THAT is (1) the goal built into Americanism, and (2) of the Civil Rights Movement.

THAT is also what Critical Race Theory is DIRECTLY OPPOSED TO.
Since “Whiteness” is DEFINED by Critical Race Theory as a state of equality, racial fairness, justice for all, and a lack of invidious discrimination, we shouldn’t WANT to "abolish Whiteness.”

Of course, it is stupid to CALL this “Whiteness.”
This twisting of WORDS is odious.

Of course America is a “white supremacy” if “white supremacy” MEANS “characterized by Whiteness” and “Whiteness” MEANS “Americanism” = “that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.”
THIS word torture is how we can have so many black and Asian and Latino “White Supremacists” around.

Because “White Supremacy” doesn’t MEAN “Supremacy of Whites” to these people—it is their term for “racial equality.”
IF you are IN FAVOR of racial equality and justice, THEN you are a “white supremacist” — by the Critical Race Theory definition.

Because THAT is their TERM for those who favor racial equality and justice.

They can’t FIGHT AGAINST racial equality and justice IN THE OPEN.
Their ideology would be crushed and scorned and spat upon IF they were OPEN about what they mean.

The are straight up racial supremacists and want to treat certain races unfairly because it makes them feel good to do so.
CRT = Nazism – nationalism – Aryan race + BAME ‘races’
Even THE FRENCH can see this is TOXIC.

HOW BAD does an ideology have to be, that THE FRENCH can see it is PURE POISON!?

THAT THOUGHT should bring anyone up short.
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