I've said this before, but I'm again thinking about the resiliency and ability to channel frustration into goodness of Destiel fandom (thread)
There's been hashtags advocating for better rep in media -- nobody trended for a ship, it was intersectional, & focused on BIPOC rep
From same organizers--a joyful hashtag to celebrate two ships
All of which raised money for charity
We've seen media websites addressing the same issues that fans who participated in those trends raised, which is heartening.
Also fans having constructive discussion of the corporate power structure on tv and how that can at times harm stories and marginalized creators
The discussion and awareness has extended far outside SP/N. I care about these rep issues, have cared about this for years, it's been gratifying being a part of that with some of the fans I've met because of SP/N. It's part of a much bigger picture.
Finally, Destiel fandom joining together for the DeanCasWedding trend -- which also had a charity fundraising goal -- this made a lot of people really happy. It reflected the love we have for this ship.

Both seeing the fandom joy and participating helps me process all this.
Some have tried to tear down all the efforts mentioned in this thread and that doesn't matter ultimately, because whether it's advocating for real change in the tv industry or celebration what we love, it's meaningful and it's doing something good.
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