!!Cold Weather Tips for those new to it from me a Northerner who lived in Alaska as well as Northern NY!!
-LAYERS; for your clothing if you must go out you need layers, double up pants and leggings, long sleeve shirts under tshirts then sweaters under jackets, double socks!
The less skin exposed the better, wear tall shoes that you can tuck pants INTO and if its extrememly cold and windy you can tape the tops to seal them in!
-EAT: you want heavier meals in the cold do not skimp out right now, Potatoes, Eggs, Bacon, heavy fats and starches help!!!
The heavier foods provide more calories and make your metabolism work harder thus warming you, if you have to go out have a big breakfast a couple hours in advance!!
-CARS: PRE HEAT THEM. You need to let it warm up go out start it crank the heat and let it go 30 mins at least
Not only will this thaw the windows and warm the interior for yourself it prevents damage to the vehicle itself! Cold oil is bad for your engine and your brake lines can freeze leaving you in danger of no brakes!! Let it thaw PLEASE
-WATER LINES: Always keep them gently flowing on COLD water, ease into hot water from COLD dont just immediately run hot water it will freeze your lines immediately!!
-SAFTEY: keep candles ready and lighters and matches available for power outages.
Have your heat going as much as you can and seal all windows, if you have drafts use a towel to block it to keep more heat in or even painters tape/duct tape! You want to conserve heat during these cold snaps in case power/heat fails!!. Keep devices charged as much as u can
If you have empty drink bottles fill them with water! in case lines freeze so you have drinks. Minimize fridge use in case power goes out so you are less likely to have a too warm fridge!.
This is what i can think of right this instant but ill add more if i think of more
I spent over a decade living in AK and other cold af places feel free to ask me things you are unsure about and stay safe yall!!
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