One like for one hot take, I'm bored
90% of sports are boring as fuck
Most people are straight and cis and that's not a big deal
Death penalty is universally bad if the recipient poses no active threat
There's no such thing as an objective ethical code, there's just my ethical code, which is either good or working with incomplete information, vs all of the other ones
Ass is more necessary but peak boobs>peak ass
Follow up, size isn't the only factor for either
If you don't know how to cook and you're 25 or older something is wrong
A lot of discussion on the far left and right isn't rooted in policy or even theory, but rather in esoterica
Biden is a populist
Grifter means someone taking insincere actions for money, not anyone with a bad take/people who are clout thirsty
Risotto is better than pasta
MMA is the best form of physical competition because there's a degree of stylistic matchups that isn't present in other sports. Yes, video game combat has ruined my brain, how could you tell
No topic should be universally off limits for humor, but you as an individual should absolutely think about your audience when you joke about something controversial
Both Clintons and Al Gore are almost certainly bad people if you go off of their actions as individuals
If you're counterjerking yourself on anti bernie sentiment so hard that you're defending the US healthcare system, you're far more online than most of his supporters
It's impossible to tell when a fetus is a person
DC should be absorbed into maryland
Packing the courts is bad from a pragmatic standpoint
Genital preferences are fine, just don't be a dick about them. Pun intended and relished
Furthermore, all talk about whether xyz preference in attraction is /isn't problematic is pointless. What's the solution???
It doesn't matter whether conservatives are personally morally wrong vs victims of a system, same goes for addicts and criminals. These people are human and they're in your country, the best solutions often have nothing to do with ascribing blame
Cultural relativism is insulting, and also often thinly veiled racism
We need to be deemphasizing higher education
The use of neoliberal to mean good things isn't much better than using it to mean bad things
Obesity is terrible, actually
Tone indicators are silly
Thinking those IDF girls are hot is just a common sense take
A comprehensive cardio and flexibility routine is more important than strength work if you have to choose/have limited time
Henry cejudo is the greatest combat sports athlete of all time
Romance isn't just platonic love plus sex. That's its own thing
Straight/gay as labels allow for very rare exceptions
Sex and gender are distinct. This is ironically a hot take irl, a cold take in center left circles, and, as I learned today, a hot take in some other center left circles
Joker was a good movie
Infinite jest was a trash book
Incels who don't despise women deserve pity, not derision
Dudes who complain about misandrist jokes and then make misogynistic jokes are soy as fuck
AOC receives an undeserved amount of both positive and negative attention because she's a hot young woman who's good at twitter
Animals aren't moral patients but the mass cruelty towards them in the meat industry is still bad. If you ask me to expound on this I will have trouble doing so because my reasoning is weird
A take is only a hot take if it's hot to the subgroup you are currently surrounded by
The online lib assertion that ethics can be solved by data are missing the point, which is that ethics tells us how the data should inform policy
Most people don't have a consistent ethical code, and by most I mean over 99%
Cultural appropriation isn't real
Gay dudes are way too comfy trying to turn straight dudes
Roleplaying as a dog is very weird. This has been weighing heavily on my mind. That being said if she hit my line again, would
Online radicalization has a lot to do with depression
Seafood is better than meat most of the time
"america doesn't have culture" is a massive cope, considering it's the cultural ground zero of the world
Things like going outside and cleaning your room are great for you actually
Most anime has trash writing
Bdsm is hot but it's entry into the public sphere being through fifty shades did it no favors
30 rock, parks and rec, and community are all funnier than the office
If you're a socialist and have a phone, I get that cause obviously you need one. If you're a socialist and spend every weekend snorting blow and buying shit off dollskill I'm pretty comfortable calling you a hypocrite
Alright now that I've caught up:

Your mom sucks me good and hard through my jorts
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