PSA: If you've been performing a pre-pandemic version of yourself, STOP. You're doing yourself and others a disservice by perpetuating the myth that everything's okay and feeling otherwise is some how a moral failure.

It's okay not to be okay right now, and it's even MORE okay to let others know that you're not okay right now.

Me? I'm a goddamn mess! Shit was arguably hard BEFORE the pandemic, and now it's bordering on comical. That's my truth.

But all any of us can do is be authentic and honest about where we are; treat ourselves and others with kindness, compassion and empathy; and hold space for the hope that it will get better–– because it will.

And until then, put away your tap shoes and do what you need to do to protect your energy, sanity and peace of mind, and know that you're not alone. We're in this together.

Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.

PS. Wear a fucking mask, wash your hands and stay TF home.

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