things i say to myself that help prevent binging : a thread

kind of for my own use but if this helps anyone else, that’s even better :)

#edtwt #ricecaketwt
“it’s never worth it”

-this is mainly reminding myself i never feel satisfied after giving into a binge i only feel guilty and end up gaining.
“it’s better in your head”

-this is more when im craving a specific food and my brain intensifies all the flavours and textures, the real experience of eating it never lives up to the thoughts.
“you’re craving because you’re losing”

- when our bodies crave fatty or sugary foods it’s because our bodies are using up the stores we have, meaning we’re burning fat and getting closer to our goal.
“you didn’t ask for it, it’s not your job to eat it”

- this one is more for when there’s a certain type of food that your family (or whoever you live with) has bought that is going to be thrown away, it feels ungrateful/wasteful to leave it, but it’s not your responsibility
“you never regret not eating”

-this is to remind myself of the inevitable guilt and self hatred i feel after a binge that i otherwise would not have to suffer if i didn’t give into my binge urges.
“you’ll never know what you could have been”

- this is mainly about what my weight could be the next day if i restrict, would i have gotten closer to my goal? and also about bodychecks, could i have seen myself as smaller than before i don’t binge ?
“if they woke up looking like you, they’d starve”

-this is to remind myself there are people at my ugw, people that weigh 20lbs less, that wouldn’t dare think of overeating at my size, so why should i ? when one day i can look like them if i don’t.
“you have free will”

- this one is as simple as it sounds, reminding myself it’s a choice to set myself back and binge, i can make the choice to not walk to the kitchen.
i hope this was helpful !! please feel free to reply with anything that helps you :)
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