5 Life Experiences That Will Make You Stronger.

1. Minimum Wage Job.

Learn how to handle money when you have very little of it and it will help you when you eventually have more of it.

Minimum wage will teach you exactly what is and isn't essential to your every day life.

You will understand what it takes to make you happy.
2. Travel.

Experiencing life as an outsider in a foreign country will help you develop invaluable social skills, especially if you're travelling alone.

It will force you out of your comfort zone and make you learn how to fend for yourself in an unfamiliar environment.
3. Heartbreak.

You will never really appreciate love with the right person until you experience love with the wrong person.

A bad relationship will teach you what you truly want or don't want from a partner.

It also makes you less naive going into new relationships.
4. Failure.

It's a huge sucker punch when you fail at something you're passionate about like sports, business, presentations etc.

Tasting defeat teaches us what not to do the next time we try again.

It also makes our future successes taste so much sweeter.
5. Death.

When we lose a loved one it makes us reevaluate our own mortality.

We reflect on what is and isn't important in life.

We realise how precious our time truly is.

It makes us realise how much each breath we take is a blessing.
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