The Dallas Stars going forward with tonight’s game @AACenter is so cataclysmically dumb it numbs the mind.

Thousands without power in Texas. Many homes already 45 degrees or below. Some elderly folks being treated for hypothermia. Ppl told to conserve energy during winter storm.
It’s reckless & selfish to use that much energy on a meaningless reg season game, while thousands are forced to go without any at all.

It’s reckless & selfish to allow fans who will no doubt put themselves and others in danger by traveling to/from game on slick roads & highways.
It’s reckless & selfish to postpone hockey games for player/coach safety (Covid), but not the welfare and safety of all their fans.

It’s reckless & selfish to host a game that practically no one can watch due to rolling power outages, weak signal AND ongoing TV contract dispute.
There is not one good reason to host this game tonight.

In fact, you could argue they’d LOSE money on attendance/concessions/ratings vs. moving it to another night.

Alas, logic has escaped the Stars the last two weeks... so has a victory. 😐
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