That’s not how this works.
That’s not how any of this works.
Viruses need one thing to mutate: a host. Protect the host, stop the mutations. We REALLY need to stop giving these people platforms when it’s blatantly obvious they have no idea what they’re freaking talking about.
For those asking what the issue is. This is a VERY misguiding message. Let me put it this way because no one is stating such even though they should be: it is FAR less likely for variants to occur in a vaccinated population than an unvaccinated population. Why? To put it simply:
This is basic virology. This virus isn’t exhibiting stress-induced mutagenesis. It is adapting solely to increase its fitness and that’s what it is selecting its mutations for- it isn’t adaptive immune pressure. This is happening only due to the fact it is infecting more people.
hence, more the more infections you have, the more mutations you have. Less infections through preventive vaccination, less mutations. This message by this individual gives those who disprove of vaccines all the ammunition they need- cause they’ll say what’s the point? Without
understanding how viruses really work because of tweets like this. If you have to follow up with: let me be clear, vaccination is the only way out of this pandemic and not remove your initial tweet because it got you attention in the first place, that’s a problem right there.
Oh! Also, we are talking about viruses NOT bacteria. The pressures that exist for bacteria concerning antibiotic resistance do not apply to viruses and vaccines. I don’t want to hear your theories; it’s not likely. If you don’t have data to back it up then don’t try to spin it.
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