Twitter is clearly not a place for nuanced talks on science. Rather, absolutism is favored.

I stated today that if everyone wore procedure masks, then COVID-19 prevalence would plummet. That is backed up by the science. I'm sorry if that offends you.
I could link to a bevy of research articles to support that claim, but that'll only further enrage those already looking to pick a Twitter fight.

Which kind of brings me to a larger point: Public health is complex. It balances the pragmatic with the optimal.
It's easier to tell a person they're morons, uneducated, or consciously endangering people than it is to analyze the data and make evidence-based and practical conclusions from it. This is especially true if it doesn't comport to one's previously held views.
It's unfortunate that some on this platform have nothing better to do with their time than intentionally twist the words of scientists, physicians, public health agencies, etc. to make some kind of point. I don't get it. This pandemic not been fun for us, trust me.
I'd be lying if I said it didn't affect me. I know many others who've recalibrated their efforts and resources, often to the detriment of their own mental/physicial health and career ambitions, feel likewise. I've even had death threats. That was jarring.
So if you spend your time trolling people like me, I feel bad for you. I feel worse for others who receive it more regularly than I do due to their skin color, faith, gender, orientation, etc.

End of rant.
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