Hey everyone - I appreciate you following me or even just checking out my page! Thought I’d put together a thread to introduce myself:
My name is Mike, and I’m relatively new to Money Twitter. Until recently, I had zero understanding of the stock market & investing in general.

I was always overwhelmed with the amount of information that I never even tried to learn.
I’ve been a follower of @corygfitness for over 7 years at this point, and was loosely sticking to his diet, workouts, and daily content.

In February of last year, I decided to go all in - during this process & under Cory’s recommendation, I read “Rich Dad Poor Dad”.
This book changed my mindset on money & investing forever.

All I wanted to do was learn as much about the subject as possible and start letting my money work for me.

Around the same time, @jdalez5 was showing me his portfolio and some of his recent wins.
He then introduced me to Money Twitter, and I began to follow pages like:


Their content and my new interest in gaining knowledge was addicting.
I wanted to put this knowledge to use & opened up a taxable brokerage account in July 2020 and began consistently funding my account every paycheck.

Any extra money on top of my salary (commission checks, bonuses, stimulus, etc.) went right into my account.
Since July, I have built a $20,000+ portfolio and am on the verge of crossing $1,000 in annual dividends.

Most of the growth is due to me setting up automatic deposits that are consistent with the goals I set for myself.
I laid out short, mid, and long term goals & ran the numbers of what’s needed to attain all of them.

My portfolio is far from where I want it to be long term, but I’m happy on the growth I’ve seen so far, and am hooked on the process.
I’ve applied the same principles to other areas of my life as well, including my fitness & nutrition, sales career, relationship, and daily mindset.

I have a new passion for bettering myself daily, and am excited to continue down this path and see what I’m capable of.
I plan on using my new account to learn/share ideas around dividend investing, SaaS sales, fitness, and overall health & wealth.

I appreciate all of you who follow along my journey, and hope to connect with as many people as I can!
You can follow @m_dolan22.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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