Every time we think about monthly survival checks we should think about pandemic strategy.

There's a reason Biden isn't even asking Congress to send people monthly $2000 checks. Because it doesn't fit his pandemic strategy.
Biden wants "the economy" and schools open and wants you back to work, even when it's not safe.

Because he is using a mitigation/suppression strategy to respond to the pandemic. The same one Trump used.
Sending everyone survival checks means changing pandemic strategies to an elimination strategy instead. A #ZeroCOVID strategy.

If Congress isn't calling for a change in strategy, then they aren't *actually* calling for monthly survival checks. https://twitter.com/OmanReagan/status/1359966350274306050
The strategy Biden is using to address the pandemic means he will never expand healthcare, never cancel rent, never send monthly survival checks.

Because the suppression/mitigation strategy he is using requires keeping people desperate to go back to work.
If we want survival checks, eviction bans, debt cancelation, and emergency universal healthcare we need a mass movement calling for Biden to drop Trump's pandemic strategy and switch to the one New Zealand and Australia are using, a #ZeroCOVID Strategy. https://medium.com/@OmanReagan/bidens-pandemic-strategy-is-still-trump-s-pandemic-strategy-8fed43318af3
If there's one thing Democrats and Progressives and Leftists could unite behind, shouldn't it be saving as many lives as possible during the pandemic?

What if we stopped all the infighting, all the arguments about personality, all the factionalism and fought for this together?
What if we set aside partisanship and bickering and joined together in a mass movement calling for a new pandemic strategy in 2021.

A strategy to protect highest-risk, most vulnerable people, and that would address structural inequality in order to stop community transmission.
You can follow @OmanReagan.
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