Because of this experience & more recent feedback asking why anyone should listen to me (hint: you shouldn't), let's chat about what being @ACC_National's Communications Director entails. Gather 'round.
I get up at 5:30 am EST to have a fifteen-minute headstart on @politico's Morning Energy & spend the morning reading through newsletters to understand the day's news cycle – to be clear, this happens very slowly, with a lot of coffee & corgi snuggles.
Once we hit 7:30-8 am EST, the "real" work begins. Most of my day occurs on a Google Doc or Sheet, on the phone or Zoom, in my email inbox, and on Slack, Squarespace, or social media.
Here's what a ~glamorous~ day in October looked like:

- Op-ed by ACC leadership published
- Live on @BBCWorld, talked Trump v. Biden & climate change
- While on BBC, missed call from NBC producer
- Frantic calls to get said NBC producer video files & somehow made deadline
Here's what a normal day looks like

- Writing, rewriting & re-rewriting a press release
- 3rd follow-up email to an editor I pitched to last week
- Editing & scheduling a blog
- Organizing media hits on Trello
- 10 min. alone on Zoom before accepting I got stood up
So what are my team & I even responsible for?

- Nearly all communication w/ media
- Our entire op-ed operation
- ACC Blog
- Press releases, statements, & messaging
- Anything else – scripts for events, sending emails when @QuillRobinson is in Gmail jail, etc.
Sometimes I feel like all I do is scream into my inbox. But then, sometimes everything aligns – thnx to the rest of our rockstar team – and the world only sees the cool finished product: @BenjiBacker on TV or @DaniSButcher in print or @QuillRobinson on the airwaves.
You can follow @karlymatthews_.
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