Jimmy Carter: took an inept translator to Poland, accidentally giving a major speech in which he told the people of Poland that he wanted to fuck them all.
Ronald Reagan: definitely stole the election from Carter with the help of Kissinger. Has had his title of "least helpful reaction to a pandemic" stolen by Trump.
George HW Bush: went parachute jumping at ages 72, 75, 80, 85 and 90. Is a perfect example of how just being a pretty shitty president still puts you above average because we so often elect nightmares like his son.
Bill Clinton: was governor of Arkansas at the time when a Titan nuclear missile exploded in its silo in an accident that could have wiped the state off the map. He didn't hear about it until later.
George W Bush: an inspiration to people with no particular skills or aptitude everywhere that you, too, can become president if your dad was.
Barack Obama: was called "Barry" in kindergarten and elementary school and doesn't like it when people call him that now.
Donald Trump: the only president to be impeached twice, also the only president to lead an armed insurrection against the government while still in office, besting Pierce's previous record for "biggest traitor".
Joe Biden: give me a minute, he just got here.
If you would like more fun facts about presidents, you can visit my totally arbitrary ranking of presidents and links to twitter threads about each of them at http://presidents.fyi 
Post-script 1: Grover Cleveland's two terms meant I forgot about Benjamin Harrison, who served in between. He was the grandson of William Henry Harrison, the one who died, and managed to get even less done in a full term than Harrison did in 31 days.
Post-script 2: I got the date of the Louisiana Purchase... completely wrong? It happened under Jefferson, not Polk. Polk massively expanded the size of the US by adding Texas, Oregon and California, which is probably how I got those events swapped in my head.
Post-script 3: okay this thread is totally out of control, thank you/I apologize as appropriate.
Post-script 4: lotta kind-hearted people who are fans of trivia accidentally misgendering me in the replies here, folks. I promise I'm a man, I just have a funny name.
Post-script 5: lotta people dubious on the "Quincy not his name" thing, gonna have to read that bio again to get the sources for that.
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