It's super important timing of worldwide #JudasAndTheBlackMessiah release considering they finished filming in December 2019, before death of George Floyd & #BLM but in many ways films parallels reality-history repeating itself w/ police killing black people & No #FreeSchoolMeals
#BlackPantherParty (for self-defence) could be considered as pioneering place-based mutual aid & solidarity economy models launching 60+ initiatives: Free Ambulance; Free Breakfast 4 Children; Police Patrols; Employment Opps; Free Dental & more! #BLM #BHM
By the end of 1968, the #BlackPantherParty had established 38 chapters and branches, claiming more than five thousand members across America: #BlackHistoryMonth
It would be only fitting for a worldwide @Blklivesmatter movement to take on-board championing the legacy & vision of the #BlackPantherParty (for self-defence) towards racial equity, especially as 10 point programme still needs achieving #BHM #WhatWeWant
#10 on #WhatWeBelieve likely a big trigger 4 FBI/status-quo: "Govts are instituted among men, deriving just powers from consent of the governed, whenever any form of Govt becomes destructive of these ends, it is right of the people to alter or abolish it"
Interesting learning materials here via @rethinkschools: Using the #BlackPantherParty's Ten Point Program to prompt students to consider today's big issues: #BHM #BLM #WhatWeWant #WhatWebelieve
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