there is absolutely no way that Bari Weiss would make this argument if it were a Black leftist sharing this meme. the bad faith is really unreal.
in order to defend carano, she tries to claim that an antisemitic meme is not antisemitic. she claims that intent matters. does she think Ilhan Omar intended to say antisemitic things? Omar has repeatedly said she did not. did Weiss care? no.
people can make mistakes and own up to them. (As Omar has!) But Carano in this article doesn't even acknowledge that the image is antisemitic! she says she wanted to leave it up because she didn't want to give into critics!
and Weiss and Shapiro are giving her cover! insisting that the clearly antisemitic image isn't antisemitic, just because they want to defend carano!
intent does matter! but if people tell you a meme is antisemitic, and you keep it up because you think it's more important to defy your critics than to be thoughtful about antisemitism, that is now part of your intent.
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