3 Ways To Breath And Be Calm

Did you know, Controlled breathing is one proven way of snapping out of anxiety and depression?

Check out these techniques.
a. 7-2-11 Relaxing Breath.
This involves inhaling gently through the nose for a count of 7, hold the breath for a count of 2 and finally exhaling or releasing the breath slowly for another count of 11.

Do this repeatedly.
b. 4-7-8 Breathing Technique
This is similar to the 7-2-11 technique just a difference of counts.

Breathe in through the nose to the count of 4

Hold your breath to the count of 7

Exhale through your mouth to the count of 8.

Repeat procedures
c. Piko Piko Breathing
This is one of the basic practices 0f ancient Hauwaiin Huna Philosophy

You Breathe in deeply while centering your attention in the crown of your head.

Now Exhale while centering your attention on your navel.

This alternating focus helps to calm the mind
Next time you feel restless and anxious.
Practice one of these exercises and you'll be fine.
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