Hello all. If you’ll permit me, I’d like to go on a bit of a rant. I saw a post about a person who managed to pay off their mortgage in their 20s, and they are regretting it because, what I presume, is because they’re essentially bored. Could be wrong, but that's the gist of it.
Now, I’m fortunate that I am able to collect unemployment for the time being. I also collect SNAP benefits to help pay for groceries. I’ve been trying to apply for work, and have had no luck. I have to find a new apartment and have had no luck. I wish I had time to be bored.
I’ve tried starting an Etsy shop, & managed to make one sale, and it feels great. I started a Patreon to help me become a better artist, and get the monetary support to help me pay for supplies. I have a few patrons and they are amazing. This feels like work and I love doing it.
It’s not enough though. I would give anything to make art a career, but I just don’t have the resources to do so. I’ve created a Twitch account, but I find it hard to create streams when I have anxiety and stress lingering over my head constantly but I still am trying.
I’ve created a TikTok to help show off my art and hopefully gain some sort of following but like Twitch, it’s hard to create things when there is so much stress and anxiety weighing me down but I still try to make it through.
I’m honestly tired and stressed from seeing people who have succeeded in life complain about the most trivial things like boredom. I WISH I could experience that kind of boredom. I’m tired of being told that I am too lazy and wanting to just live off of government handouts...
or that I’m not trying hard enough. I’m honestly tired of people telling me that I don’t deserve a living wage of $15/hr or more because the work that I do qualify for, well, they don’t deem worth paying that much. I’m tired of being tired all the time.
I’m so tired of politicians telling me that I don’t deserve a living wage, that a small business will close because they wouldn’t be able to afford to pay $15/hr. I don’t care. If their business model involves having to pay their workers as little as legally possible...
then they don’t deserve to operate. Period. I hate that I sleep more because dreaming about a future that may never exist brings me some solace. I want nothing more than for my partner and me to live a comfortable life. I don’t want to be wealthy.
I just want to live. I want to be able to live into old age and appreciate everything I’ve done, but every day I fear becoming homeless. What upsets me the most of all is that I'm not the only one experiencing this.
Throughout this rant, I focused a lot on myself, but it's not just my story. So many of us are stressed and fearful of what can happen tomorrow, and yet we have politicians debating on whether or not it's right to help us out...
and many of us can't afford to wait for these politicians, many of which are wealthy AF, to decide on whether we deserve the emergency aid we so desperately need. I want nothing more than for my fellow citizens to live comfortably, happily, and w/ some semblance of peace
People like @DanPriceSeattle and @AOC give me hope and my Twitter gang, like @KStarlight21, @notabrokenthing , @_PlagueWitch and many others, and my boyfriend give me unconditional support. I just hope things get better sooner, rather than later. End rant.
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