@TulaneMedicine, we filed a formal complaint with OIE abt the discrimination we were enduring. We submitted this letter through their online reporting tool, outlining behaviors that violate TU’s Antidiscrimination Policy. (1/5) #DNRTulane #MedTwitter #SpeakOut #BlackDoctorsMatter
An “independent investigator” (II) was assigned and emailed to arrange a mtg. She was a lawyer (employed by a firm we’d been warned reps TU in employment lawsuits). We resolved to meet with her only as a group & sch’d our mtg w/ the II. (2/5) #DNRTulane #MedTwitter
A high-ranking TU admin sent msgs to our personal e-mails, urging us to call re this. He sch’d a mtg on a diff date, insisted we attend, & informed others abt the mtg. We grew more fearful, given the lack of preserved anonymity & felt disparaged and intimidated.(3/5) #DNRTulane
We met, relived dets of our trauma, named witnesses (nvr contacted), & supplied msgs+schs to affirm our reports. Yet TU OIE found there wasn’t enough evidence policies were violated. Read: WE 7, OUR words, OUR proof, weren’t enough. (4/5) #DNRTulane #MedTwitter #BelieveBlackWomen
@TulaneMedicine, we sincerely hope this thread deepens your understanding of experiences residents face re race.
QQ - Will your “racial climate” inquiry by this third-party firm reeval cases DISMISSED by TU-OIE? Cuz we saved our receipts. #DNRTulane #MedTwitter #TUReceipts
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