BTW, folks, I know times are tough for many of us these days, esp w/ COVID but, if you're able, always try to take your #dog to the vet to see what's up and don't 'wait' on things or try to diagnose yourself. Example:
one of our dogs (Lucy, the beagle) recently had the area under her eye really inflamed. To the untrained observer (me), it seemed to be a common eye infection. I wanted to make sure, though, and took her to the vet that very day:
Well, it turned out to be NOT be an eye infection at all. Turns out Lucy has an infected molar and the infection had gone through the root and traveled up to her EYE AREA and visually manifested itself there. Amazing.
She's on antibiotics now and pain medication (doing great) and is soon having the infected molar removed.
Anyway, just goes to show, never THINK you know what's going on medically with your dog and don't hesitate a trip to the vet.
Also, as the veterinarian explained to me, she was probably in a TON of pain (hm, an infected molar? Yikes!) but I was like: "Doctor, she didn't yelp or anything. Wow." And he explained that is because dogs do not outwardly 'complain' about CHRONIC, horrible pain (cont)
-- only acute pain. For instance, if you accidentally step on your dog's paw, he will yelp / cry out. But if he is in intense, chronic, awful pain, he won't say anything. So don't expect that, just bc a dog seems fine, he or she IS fine! Go to the vet!!!
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