How to stop being a validation seeking bitch?

-Why? you want validation-

The need for validation comes from the fact that you are a social animal

Your ancestors 1000 years ago used to live in communities

and If they did something out of the rules

They were either killed or was excluded from the tribe
Survival without that was not possible

So a sense of "feeling belonged" is important for you as breathing

It's in your genes
When someone validates your

- Belief
- Words

You subconsciously feel more of a part of this human civilization and your brain satisfies your

Ego of being a human
The technology has fast-forwarded the evolution

Now instead of getting validation from real humans, you crave to get it from Social media


Validates you & me

So fucking retweet this thread right now
-When? you become a vulture-

You need validation in some amount you can't survive without that

But if you are spending your whole interaction actively seeking validation

then you are nothing more than a vulture
People try to do all sorts of things to hide their insecurities

You know some guys who need someone's approval for everything

-Can I do it?
-Do I look good?
-Will she like it?
-Have I done okay?
It's a fucking cage

It's like when you go out for doing things by yourself and you need that extra

little push to cross the line from someone else every time
-The art of validating yourself-

Not giving a fuck at its peak is just not having the need of seeking approval

and validation from other humans
1) Know yourself

Find that deep-down reasons why you don't feel secure in yourself
Otherwise, you'll keep chasing that validation in

-Sexy cars
-Other Humans

And you'll still feel empty from inside

Noone & Nothing can fill that empty space in your heart

You are the only person who can do that
2) Love yourself

It was not your mistake that you didn't receive the love you wanted to

But you can give it to yourself

You are your first life companion

Give yourself the validation you need
3)Accept yourself

JayZ Elon Musk Tim Ferris

All the heroes you have

They all cry
They all pee
They all masturbate

& they all feel fucked up

You are no less than any other human being ever lived on this earth

Own your scars they are your medals

I am not an affiliate of this product

Neither I nor @EgoDriv

Gives a fuck if you buy it or not

But this book has some real gems of wisdom that can help you in being more of yourself
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