Not surprising, given the crisis the country faces & the attempt to bring together parties from across the whole political spectrum, which will need to keep their visibility and - when they have one - their distinctive identity.
To survive, the League can (and, I expect, will) apply the older trick in his book: choose the right friends and shoot at the right enemies within the govt itself.

In other words, it will try to keep “one foot in and one foot out” of the executive.
Besides learning from his predecessor, Umberto Bossi, I expect Salvini to take a leaf out of the book of a lesser known League: the Lega dei Ticinesi.
After accessing the Ticinese multi-party, collegial government, its two most visible reps (the party leader, Bignasca, and the party’s member in the executive, Borradori), picked up clearly defined roles and performed them well and very consistently.
Hence Borradori would play the part of the soft spoken, accomodating party representative, ready to work with other parties -- as the Swiss system forces all governing parties to do anyway...
... while Bignasca would castigate him for allegedly getting used to the trappings of power, "changing his skin" and renouncing "the diversity that has been the strength of our party"...
So let's see if - besides criticizing other parties within the govt (inevitable, unless Salvini wants to be eaten alive by Brothers of Italy) he will also differentiate himself from the League's own Minister for Economic Development, Giorgetti, in the months to come.
Giorgetti will want to be seen as achieving results in govt for the League's northern constituencies, where much of Italy's manufacturing industry is based.
Having played a crucial role in forcing Salvini to u-turn on Draghi, he is heavily invested in the success of this left-right experiment & making sure "the north" gets a fair share of the goodies being handed out via the Recovery Fund.
IF the above goes to plan, Giorgetti would also become a fairly credible challenger for Salvini's job (something the very popular Governor of the Veneto region, Zaia, cannot be, due to his image as a "Veneto first" person through and through).
So grab the 🍿🍿 and let's see how this develops in the weeks and months to come. /END/
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