climate change is not a lost cause. the world is not doomed. it is not too late to take action. humans are not a virus. we CAN change.

such doomist, fatalist ideas are rooted in fossil fuel interests’ attempts to prevent us from taking action. do not buy into it.
it is not naive to have hope. it is not foolish to believe in a better future. these things are possible and the best part is, we can make them happen.
frankly, i find it disgusting when grown ass adults tell youth they don’t have a future and therefore we should just give up. that’s being a shitty human being and a horrible ancestor.
if you don’t understand how saying “it’s so cute that you have hope and are optimistic about the future” to people who have no choice but to be brave and take action is harmful and privileged af, don’t bother responding to this post. you’re not helping anyone so be quiet. thanks.
i’m sorry but i do not have the luxury of giving up nor the coldness to condemn my descendants. that’s not “realistic” or “wise,” it’s selfish and cruel.
I need y’all to understand that bullshit like “it’s too late to fight climate change, we need to focus on adaptation” is literally a right wing talking point from fossil fuel interests aiming to stop us from taking action. like you’re literally echoing marco rubio.
It is not that binary. A certain amount of warming is indeed locked in. That doesn’t mean we don’t need to fight to reduce any further harm as well as work on adaptation for what is already locked in.
By saying “it’s too late” you are literally condemning whole nations and people to inevitable doom that is literally not inevitable. Yes; at this point, a certain amount of climate change is inevitable. But the total defeat and extinction of cultures literally is not.
I can tell some of you think you’re being realists by doing this but you’re being cold and frankly, fascistic.
and i understand how easy it is to fall victim to this mindset. that’s why i’m tweeting this. i need the reminder not to fall into fatalism just as much as anyone else.
also being realistic about where we stand is not the same as being a doomist who says it’s too late and we should give up and “just focus on adaptation” so. please don’t act like i’m saying otherwise.
also please think twice before responding to this tweet mansplaining this topic to me, an environmental scientist. i promise i know more about this than a random dude on the internet who read a few internet articles and thinks they’re now an expert.
Yes we have lost a lot and we will continue to lose more. But there is also so much left to save and we owe the world that much. Read @allwecansave for a variety of insight on this.
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