The rapid virality of the new article on how Kapil Mishra's Hindu Ecosystem works, is actually more revealing as a phenomena on how surprised most progressives seem to be wrt the modus operandi and content analysis of these IT Cell groups. Unsurprised by their ignorance though...
...since I hear many of them saying bs like, "We will start our own narrative, irrespective of what they say." Yeah well, you can't. They're way too many, and way too organised. You get your ass to reading propaganda everyday, and understand where it's going so as to counter...
... effectively by not giving a direct reply, but to address the psychological ethos / bigotry of the people it's addressing to.

That's why some people are repeatedly saying that the Society is radicalised. How they have done it is no surprise. What can be done to stop it...
... should be the matter of urgent concern.

Knowing how it works in 2021 is no matter of pride; it's a sign of being blindsided and dated.

The strategy should have gone as far as how to demolish this house of cards by now.
Like I'll give you three examples.

1. IT Cell has never been a monolith. Amit Malviya's is different from that of Yogi, and that has worked for Yogi. Kapil Mishra is taking the same route. Shows a resource fight within BJP. Propaganda is now a muscle within the party members.
2. The narrative has largely shifted from India to Hindu. Right now, it is shifting to Sanatan Dharma. That's why even an Arnab says Sanatan Dharma so many times. So do most RW Twitter accounts.
3. The intention of every action or the preconditioning of future actions is always found in propaganda. Eg. During CAA, most WhatsApp and FB posts in groups were anti-Muslim. This shows on what grounds people were convinced. Implies I can refrain from saying "law is against all"
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