Hey Northerners, I know we've been getting these jokes off but with the rolling blackouts we should probably help people in Texas etc figure out how to stay warm when their indoor temps drop. Layers, blankets, human cuddle puddles all the tips you have on hand.
A couple of things if you have no heat source. Block any openings around doors & windows. Gather in one room if you can & settle into your blankets, pillows, everything cozy that you have. If you don't have carpet use towels or a blanket under you & over you.
Cover your heads & your feet. Socks, hats, hoodies, whatever you have that is a natural fiber should be closest to your skin. For elders & babies if you can make sure they are in the warmest place with good airflow but well covered. Swaddling works for all ages.
Also if you have candles? Now is the time to set them up & light them. They will add light & heat. You want to warm up the space you're in while you're awake. And it will help you get through the night if your space is warm all day.
Food wise, you have to eat even if it's just snacks. Hydration matters too. If you can't make warm food or drinks? Go for the easiest things you have on hand & don't worry about it being healthy. The calories matter, not the content.
Now the usual rules about fire safety apply (no candles while you're sleeping, make sure they are away from curtains, other flammable objects) & you always need some ventilation, but there are ways to stay warmish until power is restored.
You can follow @Karnythia.
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